Monday 23 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Twenty Three - Detailing and Roughs

What's Up Webheads?!

Welcome to 100 Days of making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.
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As I said I would in yesterday's post I spent the morning before work adding in some more books to the bookcase, and various other details in the room. I still need to add a whole lot more but it's getting there, much like the room that was in the first panel of the page before it takes a while to get it looking a little more lived in and a little less like a bookshop!

I also did a couple of rough sketches lower down the page, ready for tighter pencils later on.

Panel 5 will change a bit, definitely have the sound effect (might change the word though...) but I'm not sure of the angle of the book yet, I'll decide when i get to it.
Panel 6 is pretty much how I want his face, and panel 8 is pretty much how I want the smile, so all good there. 
Panel 3 is a "watch this space" as i know what i want to draw but really don't know what way i want to draw it, again I'll decide when drawing it, just sketch a few variations and pick the one that suits it the best.

That's about it for today, I didn't do any drawing this evening as I had other things to do, but I'll be back to it in the morning before work as usual.

Until next time, keep creative!

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