Wednesday 11 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Eleven - Changing Pages

Alright, how'z it goin'?

Welcome to 100 Days of Making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

Another day where I didn't get a whole lot done comic wise, I did half an hour in the morning, getting the first panel to the next page set up, it's actually the same as panel 7 on the page prior but with some differences.
Click on any image to view larger.

Mainly, the main object of the panel, the big book, is newer looking without all of the tears,dents and scratches, the other books on the shelves (yet to be drawn) will be different too, the ones on the previous page are old, where as these will be also be newer.

The hand reaching up will also be different, but I'll leave explaining that until it's drawn.
The panel border that you can see in the right hand panel is a placeholder one too, I just needed to get the frame the same size as the previous page so used it as a guide.

Hopefully tomorrow morning and night I should get panel 4 done on the previous page, and get the pencil work on this new panel done too, then over Friday to Sunday get the first page finished pencil wise, and get the layout done and a good start to the pencilling on the new page too.

Until tomorrow, Keep Creative!

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