Thursday 5 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Five - Tiredness, wasting time and mind changes

Good Eve.... zzzz...

Welcome to 100 Days of Making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

Today's post almost didn't happen, I did the required amount of time working on the comic, I did that this morning before work, I  was just so tired when I got home I nearly didn't bother to do any more, or post what I did do this morning.
The reason for nearly not posting was that everything I did this morning... I erased when I got in!
I just wasn't happy with the placement of the patterned box on the table, or the positioning of it on the page. So I spent a short while this evening redoing it, placing it now in 5 rather than 6, and giving it a more interesting angle too.
Click on the image to view larger.

I'm now officially too tired to continue now though, I'm at the stage where I'm bound to start making mistakes and wasting time, so as I am more alert and eager to create first thing I shall bid this farewell for the night and revisit again tomorrow to finish of this panel (cracks in the wall, some other items around the box that are lying on the desk itself) and start panel 6 and 7. Weirdly i know what's going in panel 4 but I'm kind of putting off doing it....

Until next time, keep creative!


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