Sunday 22 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Twenty Two - Drawing Children and even more Books!

Happy Sunday!

Welcome to 100 Days of making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

I spent this morning drawing this child, over and over again. I don't think I've ever had to draw a child at an exact age, but that wasn't too bad, and two, and wasn't exactly sure how I wanted him to loo, I tried out several different poses and didn't like any of them until I finally settled on this one!

Then, of course, the bookcase I had already drawn didn't look quite right, the book he's reaching up to looked far too small compared to the one in the panel before, so.... redraw the bookcase.
Then i began the task of adding all of the books on said bookcase, which takes ages!

Anyhow, two shelves left to do in the morning before work and i can then get onto panel 3.

That's me done for the day, hope you've all had a great weekend.

Until next time, keep creative!

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