Friday 6 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Six - Little bit of drawing, little bit of talking

Night night Internet....

Welcome to 100 Days of Making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

Bit of a late post today, and I'll keep it short as i really want to get some!

I finished off the background to panel 5 this morning before work, there wasn't a lot to it at this stage so that was quick and easy. Just the crack in the wall, corner of the picture frame above and a slight texture on the table. I may be adding more to this panel in the future, further objects on said table, but not at this point.
Click on the image to view larger.

And this afternoon after work I spent a while on the phone with the wordsmith of this comic, Mr James Fletcher, we discussed various JAR related content, that I won't post here, did some research into and decided upon the contents for panel 6, which I shall begin adding in tomorrow morning, once I've gotten some sleep!

Sorry for the lack of visual updated content today but it's 100 days of making comics and that doesn't always mean actually drawing, but there should be some new pencil work tomorrow.

So until then, keep creative!

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