Tuesday 3 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Three - Fantasy Creature Skulls!

Good Evening all!

Welcome to 100 Days of making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

Just a quick one today, first day back at work today and I am very much looking forward to some sleep!
I didn't expect to get much done today, the first day back to work after the Christmas holidays is always a chore, and once back home I really only wanted to chill out and do some gaming/watch some Netflix/read. But that's the idea of the challenge, make yourself get at least a little done EVERY DAY, whether you feel like it or not. 
And what happened once I got started? I did half an hour of research, and an hours sketching, so I got 3 times as much done as I set myself!
Click on the image to view larger.

Just concentrated on starting panel 3 this evening, I did start panel 6 this morning but am undecided on how i want the patterned box to look so I left it for now and got on with some fun stuff, skulls! Or more specifically creature skulls!
I'll continue with this tomorrow morning before work, hopefully getting the skull finished and the background laid in.
I still haven't actually finished panel 1, but I'll get back to that once the last 3 blank panels have something in them.

So until tomorrow, keep creative!

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