Tuesday 17 January 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Seventeen - Creative Meeting and Narration Boxes (No Image Update)

Good Evening!

Welcome to 100 Days of Making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

A very brief update today, and no images to show unfortunately, but a productive day was had!

I spent the morning working on a couple of cover mock ups for JAR, as I had a meeting with the writer of the comic this evening and wanted to show and explain my thoughts towards the cover layouts and how they would change from issue to issue but have an overall theme that was continuous through them.

Then this evening we had the meeting, talked about the progress made up to this point, and discussed various plot and visual ideas for the next stages and series as a whole and I then added in the narration text and boxes around them so we could look at how the page flowed from panel to panel in both illustration and text. It's looking good!
Unfortunately I can't post images with the text on them but tomorrow's update will be back with some new artwork on the go. That's about it for today, nothing new to look at but I can say it has definitely been a very productive day, tomorrow will hopefully be the same!

Until then, keep creative!

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