Saturday 4 February 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Thirty Four and Thirty Five

WEEKEND!!! Whoop!

Welcome to 100 Days of making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.
Click on any Image to view larger.

It's a double post again, got in late and couldn't be arsed to turn everything on and edit images etc so left it for this morning.

Day Thirty Four

Did some work on panels 5-7 when I got in from work, sketched out the three characters roughly (a couple of times as the storyboards we did had them in different positions, but whilst sketching came up with the idea for the shared three panel layout.
Also fixed the girls cheek in panel 2 as I decided it was a little too pronounced, smoothed it out a bit and am now happier with the look.

Day Thirty Five

Woke up this morning and did a little bit of inking, got all three characters in panels 5-7, and am now finishing up for the day as a splendid lunch and a couple of beers await, 

Here's where the page as a whole is...

I'll be getting on with the roughs for panels 3-5 tomorrow morning, so...

Until next time, keep creative!

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