Friday 10 February 2017

100 Days of Making Comics - Day Thirty Nine - Forty One - Research and Sketching Days


Welcome to 100 Days of making Comics, a challenge in which the goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day working on or towards comic creation.

Sorry but not a great deal to actually show for these 3 days, I was very busy doing some research for some...things... i'll need to draw later on in the series, and obviously I can't actually show or even describe what they are.
I have also started on the next page from where I last left off, and drawn the first panel, but I think at this point I'll leave it until I'm a little further along to show.

There will be an update over the weekend, most likely on Sunday after I've done a bit more of something I can actually show, doing this challenge and not actually giving any spoilers will become a little difficult further down the line as once the stories main plot lines start to kick in I'll become far more limited as to what I can show. But I'll do my best, I might start drawing the pages out of the order they are read in so as to be able to pick the ones I can show.
We'll see.

Anyhow, again sorry for the slightly contentless update, but there will definitely be a slightly more interesting one over the weekend, until then, keep creative!

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