Sunday, 17 February 2013

Ghost Rider - Progress 03

Step Three is done, all the detailing needed is added in. It doesn't look all that much different from the last stage, really it's just the lower jaw and shadows that have been worked on.
I could've gone on longer but I'm happy enough with it at this stage, the image isn't going to be huge in resolution so I think it will be fine like this.
The next stage will be starting to block in the flames on a new layer, once that's done it'll be refine them and adding light reflections from the flames onto the skull, during which more detailing will be added, hopefully sharpening up the image as a whole .
Not to sure what after that if anything, it depends what comes to mind or seems to fit as I'm working on the next stages, that's the fun part of a painting like this, being able to adapt and add as you go along!
Either a plain black background will be added, or maybe that along with something to frame him, I'll decide closer to the final stages.

Not sure when the next update will be, probably not until late tomorrow night.

Hope you all had a good weekend!

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