Tuesday, 12 February 2013

No Escape - Progress 01

So I thought I'd post little updates as I work on this, so anyone's who's interested can see some of the stages the painting goes through.
Also it'll be nice to be able to look through the steps myself!

So after yesterday saying I would do a comic book illustration slightly differently from a painting in the inking, it got me thinking and I decided I wanted to try out a combo of the two.
An image where the character has a contour line around his silhouette as you might do in a comic book, but also has the features and shadows painted without clear inked lines.
At this stage I have blocked out the main features, and blocked in the main areas of shadows.
Also I have added the contour line (which I might do again but neater, although at the moment I do kind of like the messy, jagged look to it, we'll see how that goes later.)
He lacks hair, which I will hopefully have started for the next update, and no lines on the straight jacket yet.
At this stage though I'm not worrying about details and perfect lines, it's just getting the colour scheme and feel of the picture the way I want it. I have spent a fair bit of time making sure the teeth and mouth area is started, as that is a major part of the image and having it looking good will help me "see" the final image as I'm working through it.
I've also added the lettering behind the character, but whilst working I have that layer in Photoshop turned off, switching it on and off occasionally to see how it's all looking.

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